Thursday, October 31, 2013

Rocks Box Review! (October 2013)

My first Rocks Box! I signed up for the free month trial and I received my first box a few weeks later. (I used the Coupon Code: FBROCKS to get the free month, I don't know if it still works. If it doesn't you can click on my link to get $10 off your 1st box! Hey, better than nothing! It seems like many of these boxes will have free promos until they get popular then they switch to just discounts… sucks, but oh well… it makes sense)… 

Anyway, Rocks Box, is basically a jewelry rental subscription. I think it's good for people who like to discover new designers, don't care to keep things for long (aka: chronic throw/give awayers, lol), or for those who like to wear jewelry that's a little more pricey but can't afford to buy it at the moment.

This is the Rocks Box description:

I liked 2 out of  3 in this jewelry set, but it didn't really fit with my style exactly so I sent it back the next day. But seriously, I was surprised that I even liked anything in the first box. This is a stylist service, so they learn about what you like as you give them feedback, so I wasn't expecting to like much in the 1st box, because I guess... I'm really specific, lol. But I DID like things! I just didn't like really specific things, like: necklace chain length, the size of the pendant and earrings, etc. (I included some pics of the jewelry on me, so you can get an idea about what they look like on).

However, I filled out my comment card (they include a card for you to send back with your box so the stylists can be more successful or accurate when they are picking out things that you like)… and I just got notification that my 2nd Rocks Box, is on the way! 

I was able to get a preview and am already excited to see what they look like on! Seems like they really read and took my comments into account when picking out the new pieces… I don't know why they wouldn't though, lol, it's a business and they're trying to sell stuff, so that would be the way to do it! Pick out stuff people want to buy! 

Anyway, I noticed that they even typed up my comments for the first jewelry box in the comments sections for my "Past Sets" in my Account. I appreciated that part a lot; one less thing I have to do! ;)

Well, here's my first Rocks Box! Druzies, nature inspired themes! I looove the theme!! 
(At the bottom I included a screenshot of my comment page, so you can get an idea about what it's like):

Def not my style, but it looked like a really good quality bracelet! I can think of lots of friends who would like this, unfortunately I can't afford to buy it for them :( One day!

I liked these earrings a lot, but not enough to buy them. I would've LOVED them if they were about half the size! Just my preference though! (sry pics are fuzzy! I took them with my phone)

When I saw this necklace I was actually sort of hoping it would work for me, lol, even though I prob shouldn't spend so much on jewelry right now (it was priced at ~$62)! 
It was too large for my taste but it was really well made and even had an adorable little charm for it's brand tag. It resembles some vintage charm necklaces I sold once in my old shop (the head profile charm but bigger…)

Lol, they typed out EXACTLY what I wrote on my comment sheet (the sheet I sent back with the box). It's great though, I really liked that! Sometimes, it's a pain to log in and type it out when there's so much else going on in life. I often prefer to write things out on paper.

(p.s. - please keep in mind my comments above, in the picture, are my personal preferences for what I think looks good on my skin coloring, body type/height/weight, and preference. I think all the pieces were attractive, but just not for my style and body). :)

-xo, T

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